new mid - high end trade / sale list


Bench Warmer
new mid-high end trade/sale list

jay cutler 2006 sweet spot auto bv 150 vhtg
jay cutler 2006 playoff playoff auto bv 150 htg
lendale white 2006 national treasures dual patch auto #ed 99 bv 120 vhtg
laurence maroney 2006 sweet spot auto bv 80 htg
kellen clemens 2006 fleer autographics auto bv 20
2 kellen clemens 2006 hot prospects auto jsy bv 30
kellen clemens 2006 topps auto bv 30
kellen clemens 2006 paradigm auto #ed 50 bv 36
steve smith 2007 topps tix auto bv 15
gaines adams 2007 sp threads letter A auto #ed 199
LMK what ya got and want
how much is the wolffe. i could probably do the white for the addai finest and wolffe. the white is 3 color on both with stiching on both. some would say 4 on both but you need to really look for the 4th break on both. i can add a small card if needed. LMK
no , sorry. i dont have much little stuff. the best of it would be the clemens autographics bv20, steve smith tix auto bv15, and the gaines adams bv?. LMK if any of those would work. sorry.