Baseball New Collector


Bench Warmer
Recently I have decided to start collecting minor league baseball cards and picked up a couple different brands of cards and they all seem to be unique in their own way. There were several that stuck out to me. I want to collect the ones that look best (to me) but I also want to collect cards that have the most value. I looked on places like EBay to find out which ones had greater value and there was a huge range in which the cards could be fall. Also, I have only been on a couple of message boards and the card set I have particularly like has not been talked about on either board. Many of the cards have stats and information about prior baseball experiences for the players but the one I like has information about why the player is going to be successful in the minor and make it to the pros one day.

A few questions:

When I was looking at the value of the cards, what makes one card worth more than another (besides the player that is on the card)?

Which cards seem to draw the most attention?

Is there information to help this new collector?

Thanks for the help!!!
What also help determine the values of cards are...

1 - How rare they are.
2 - Popularity of the set
3 - In some cases the team. Yankees are likely to have more collectors than the Indians.

Welcome to Freaks!
Have fun :D
I am in north Houston (no teams here), but occasionally travel to Round Rock. Over the weekend I visited a hobby shop that is about to get PROjections from TRISTAR. He showed me a sheet he had and I just thought they were freakin' sweet looking. I am into really clean looking cards. He said they only produced 75 cases (which I confirmed on their website), and said this would make them more valuable. I mean, the guys in the set look good to me anyway, but does anyone know about the value of TRISTAR's cards? I started hearing stuff about people questioning autos in some set (i cant remember what company), but this is a licensed product so I know I don't have to worry about anything like that. I included a pic of a card from their site.