Need: Vikings

outside of your pc im like the percy. maybe the greenway but not for deron. what dwills do you like of mine?
Kingpin8 said:
outside of your pc im like the percy. maybe the greenway but not for deron. what dwills do you like of mine?

just this one:

hmm not too sure i wanna let that one go. its my favorite deron. i might be open to an offer but out side of that idk what i wanna do with it
ooo I doubt it man. Unless you offer something else pretty awesome that otherwise i couldnt get any other way haha
2004 Topp's Bernard Berrian rookie auto, slabbed and sealed. 2004 UD Sweet Spot Bernard Berrian auto helmet card
Bigtimten- Im a little interested. what would you need?

tndcollectables- didnt see much i would want to trade my derons for except the percy elite but thats way out the window bv wise.
Kingpin8 said:
Lookin for All Day, Sidney Rice, Favre (vikings only), shiancoe, Jared Allen, Berrian, Winfield, Joe Webb, Cris Carter,... pretty much any. lookin to trade only so cmb and see if you like anything (i know its worn thin but gotta try it) also Randy Moss anything.

i have tons of Vikings.. u have any Gates for trade?
bigtimten-i dont have any autos or gu of those teams

gatescollector- i just have a base and an insert of him haha