NavySailors Needs MSF!


Bench Warmer
his ID is IowaCaneFan26 on SCForum and is MSF, i also Remember him as a MSF on SCS, and on TCC he has as many Good Trades and he has Bad. He Lives about 30 Miles from me, has always Been Shady, i Just Agreed to a Trade with him on Forum, well see how that goes;)
BSC said:
Done....on your recommendation ...........go ahead and PM him to let him know.........:D

i would rather not, especially since i have a trade going with him, i do that and he might not send lol
Hey Mike... he actually put you down as a trade reference in his sig.

If you have never traded with him before.. ALREADY some shady stuff from him!
lol what a tosser!

BSC - Can someone please take Randallcards out of his sig as it is an obvious move to make members feel that he can be trusted if a mod is a "reference".
He could say.. I don't send first, you can trust me. Just ask Randallcards.

How many members actually check references? I know I don't... I am bad lol
Hands said:
lol what a tosser!

BSC - Can someone please take Randallcards out of his sig as it is an obvious move to make members feel that he can be trusted if a mod is a "reference".
He could say.. I don't send first, you can trust me. Just ask Randallcards.

How many members actually check references? I know I don't... I am bad lol

as of today, he now has a good trade with me;)
BSC said:
Hmmmmmmmm...............shall I hit the lifetime button??? Any pending trades for this guy??

Yes, before he rips off anyone else. We can deal with trade issues afterwards. Not likely he'll send anyways. :rolleyes: