Nats ?, Kevin Burge and fake patches



I am curious to know if anyone who attended the Nats saw Mr. Shoelessjoejackson aka pristinesportscollectibles aka Kevin Burge at any of the booths. If so, did he have his entourage with him along with any suspicious looking patch cards?

I talked with him briefly at the Chicago Nats 2 years ago and couldn't believe how many fake SPA's he had. He showed me several suspicious patches that had all been authorized by GAI to be legit patches. I just started laughing and walk away.

I have had UD removed 10+ tampered SPA's that he has tried to sell over the last 3 years on Ebay. I am curious to see if he has learned his lesson about this series, or does he just pawn off his "works" at shows instead of Ebay.
I dont know what he looks like exactly. There were alot of dudes there that kinda looked like him.
I didn't see him, and I don't recall seeing any booths with a large group of possibly fake patches. Wish you would have said something before so I could have kept an eye out :doh:
I heard he was there, but I didn't actually see him. I heard he and his entourage got into a fight too.
I heard he was there, but I didn't actually see him. I heard he and his entourage got into a fight too.

Lisa missed alot of things though. She was too busy staring at my ***. Oh and day dreaming about her stripper
burge was there, unklbnz was there, as were other alleged trimmers. not many fake patches- easier $ in 'short' cards. heard about the fight but missed it b/c everyone was hankering for my donuts