Chad Knaus has been caught cheating many times, and Lowes didn't drop Jimmie, so it's all about who you are, IMO. Although, I don't condone the actions of Bowyer, and Vickers, we must remember that they were ordered by their superiors to do what they did. It's not in a racers blood to purposely spin, or pit for no reason. They don't hold that sort of mentality, and let's face it, this is not the first time something like this has happened in the past. The timing of the upcoming chase was what made this get blown way out of line. If this happens during week 3, it's a fine, and probabtion, and nothing more. Had MWR handled this better, they may still have NAPA as a sponsor? What should he have done? He should have fired Ty Norris, who was the guy who made those orders from above. That would have made a huge difference, but then again, maybe the orders came through him via Michael himself? I guess we'll never know?