My Vent For Today - The Word "Vintage"


NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
Okay...I guess I'm old school, or maybe just old...

Saw a posting on another site where the member was asking for VINTAGE cards.

Let me clarify that... "Vintage (pre-1980)"

WHAT????? Vintage is, to me, pre-1960. I'm a nice guy and I'll let you get away with calling 1968 cards vintage, but to me, vintage is pre-1960.

Just my humble opinion, but gee... come on...
I think it totally depends on your age. To me...I consider vintage cards (which is what I collect) as 1989 and older. I define it that way because that is right about when the more modern glossy cards started showing up. I was also born in those cards are old to me.
I agree that is is an age of the collector thing. I was born in 1976. If the card is older than me, it is vintage.
If we are going by age...then I guess vintage to me would be the T-206 cards, or maybe the '33 Goudey's. Not those "new fangled" bubble gum cards, that Bowman and Topps started putting out in the '50's! :yawn: I'm tired now I need to rest!