My Packers Dups for Trade


Bench Warmer
Got a nice sized box of Packers cards from a friend that has several duplicates in it. Here are what I have to offer up:

Dual cards:
2006 Topps Total #404 - Al Harris and Ahmad Carroll

Single player cards:
1996 Bowmans Best #114 - Edgar Bennett
1996 Bowmans Best #35 - Robert Brooks (2)
1991 NFL Pro Set #99 - Don Davey
1990 Score #504 - Herman Fontenot
2001 Bowman #96 - Antonio Freeman
1993 Upper Deck SP #94 - Jackie Harris
1990 Score #555 - Tim Harris
1990 Score $491 - Mark Lee
2000 Bowman #82 - Dorsey Levens
1999 Bowman #43 - Dorsey Levens (2)
1991 Upper Deck #232 - Tony Mandarich
2000 Bowman #69 - Bill Schroeder (3)

LMK if you're intested in anything you see. Thanks.