My First Howe AU!


5.00 star(s)
20 years of collecting and I finally land one for my PC. came with Yzermans AU to boot :) Three days of trade talks and it got done

Sweet card, Paul!! Bet that cost you a pretty penny in trade bait, but definitely worth it, I'm sure. Congrats!
Sweet card, Paul!! Bet that cost you a pretty penny in trade bait, but definitely worth it, I'm sure. Congrats!
Thanks Mike, Happy New Year to ya! Actually Mike I picked it up with minimal loss, I will maybe miss one card out of the trade, but can be replaced, the rest were doubles I had already, so I was very happy with the trade with out hurting my Wings PC, it was a Wings fan I traded with so it was easy for me to add and minus cards with as much as I had to play with in trade, best trade ever I thought in my years of collecting