Murderer Sports Cards

...and with this story just being a few weeks removed from the news, how could anyone NOT mention this guy. Okay, according to the Grand Jury Tony is NOT guilty of ******, but just like O.J. he will be found guilty in a civil court and have to pay off the family... (NO!!! I did not say O.J. was innocent!)

Do you think it is the fact that they are now an icon that contributes to the perception that even if they are suspected to be guilty, or found guilty, that the American fan base (or general public) loves their sports heroes so much that they will forgive them anything, even ******?

I have noticed that a lot of well known sports celebrities do seem to think they are above the law. But, so do television and movie stars. Maybe they didn't take that class in Ethics 101--Lecture #1: You are not above the law. You are a role model first, and therefore must hold more strictly to the law.