Movies for trade or sale,looking to get back in the card market!


Bench Warmer
i know i haven't traded in a while thats because i sold all of my collection.
i am looking to get back in it so i am tradeing or selling movies!
any movie you want,just no adult movies unless i have traded with you before.
so heres the offer,i will trade for 10.00 in trade for each movie
i will sell them for 5.00 per movie,the more you want the cheaper it gets!
i am looking for just about anything,just no commons!
i also have music cd's up for offer as well.
so please help me get back in this,thanks for reading this,and lmk what movies or cd's you are looking of on here or please send me a pm!
Movies for trade or sale,looking to get back in the tradeing game!

i know i haven't traded in a while thats because i sold all of my collection.
i am looking to get back in it so i am tradeing or selling movies!
any movie you want,just no adult movies unless i have traded with you before.
so heres the offer,i will trade for 10.00 in trade for each movie
i will sell them for 5.00 per movie,the more you want the cheaper it gets!
i am looking for just about anything,just no commons!
i also have music cd's up for offer as well.
so please help me get back in this,thanks for reading this,and lmk what movies or cd's you are looking of on here or please send me a pm!
well i could but the list would be to large! i can get you any movie from its a wounderful life to faster,or any music cd you would like,so just lmk thanks
guy is sellign bootleg/burnt dvd's/cd's of movies that are not even avaialble yet....thts illegal i'd say....

sorry I dont want this on the site....

good eye Dlong1 ;)