Football Move over Tebow...I now HATE Luck!


NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
The following quote was taken from an ESPN story posted yesterday:

Andrew Luck, the No. 1 pick in April's draft, hooked up with Donald Brown on a 63-yard TD pass -- his first NFL throw.

No, it wasn't exactly a textbook pass play. Luck, in the face of pressure, dumped the ball off to Brown, who started up the field, cut from left to right and outran the St. Louis Rams defense to the end zone for a 7-0 lead.

Okay...let's NOT give Lucky Charms anymore credit than he deserves.

As the story says..."in the face of pressure, [Luck] dumped the ball off..."

So, he tosses the ball THREE yards...and the receiver runs it down the field for a touchdown...but our little leprechaun gets credit for throwing the football 63 yards. I hate football stats. Give credit where credit is due... the receiver is the reason there was a touchdown. that off my chest...Tebow-mania is over...looks like Luck-mania is taking over. (hoping that the Colts go 0-16 this year!)
