Low-mid-High end trade list inside

tndcollectables said:
whats the number on the drew

Here it is
dx2010 said:
when u buy them on ebay for 20 haha what a joke SO SAYS THE GUY WITH 0 FEEDBACK AND ALREADY MSF

As i Can see your a great trader!!!!
Yeah i just checked ebay i see them selling for 20-45 but i just rechecked OPG and yes there still at $80 and that is what i just traded for them. So really theres no reason to be rude. Some people trade by SV some people trade by bv. And GL buying them.
chrisc81 said:
As i Can see your a great trader!!!!
Yeah i just checked ebay i see them selling for 20-45 but i just rechecked OPG and yes there still at $80 and that is what i just traded for them. So really theres no reason to be rude. Some people trade by SV some people trade by bv. And GL buying them.

dont listen to dx2010