I would take any of them that are RCs or ref or serial numbered just no base. Hae enuff of them hehe
Now the AP chrome is 2007 and not reprint correct hehe.
i think the 2 genos book 50.00 and either 12-15 not sure and the Austin is 20-25.
So is that all u have?? Other than the Boz RC? Later bud
That's mostly it. I have some other random ok players in college unis. Not big names. I am def interested in the link auto stedman. More so than I would be anything else. I pulled another stills the other night I tossed in the like. It's a chrome 86' style. Don't know if you have it. I pulled all the base. To get a better idea what we are dealing with. Now it's all rookies. And the Adrian Peterson chrome is the realio dealio buddy. I've had it for several years. I don't remember trading for it, so I'm pretty sure I pulled it in 07
K well I'd probably rather give the 2 geno's for starters which would book at a lil over 60. I know the chrome books 40. And anything else book for 10?
K well I'd probably rather give the 2 geno's for starters which would book at a lil over 60. I know the chrome books 40. And anything else book for 10?
Hmm. I'd probably give all the rookies I sent pictures of including a sage rookie of Adrian Peterson dual with Malcolm Kelly. In ok uni. And a dual rookie of ap and pat Willis dual in college unis. All of it minus the ap topps chrome. That's 22 cards. Makes up for not having an auto to trade. I'm getting ready to buy a good bit of boxes within the next couple weeks. But for now I'd trade all of it except the chrome ap. that stedman pink auto has sold for as low as $13. So you would be getting a lot of qty for it though. I collect mainly tavon and stedman. Which is why I'd want it first and foremost since I already have the chrome tavon /99. Let me know if you are even a little interested and I'll send a single pic of all the cards I'm offering for it.
hey bud Not much into quantity over quality lol.I have plenty of 1 and 2 dollar Sooners. JLMK if u pull some Sooners
hey bud Not much into quantity over quality lol.I have plenty of 1 and 2 dollar Sooners. JLMK if u pull some Sooners
I feel ya. Lol can't hurt to try. I just couldn't trade an ap chrome rookie which will only grow in value for a player that I'm not sure will ever amount to much. I mean, I am a fan of him. But for the value if I did trade that ap, I would want something better. Not really more valuable, just not stedman lol. I will def let you know what I come up with. I'm bound to pull a few things you'll want. I'd bet on that. I will let you know what I turn up. Because I sure do want that pink auto.
Well def want the chrome AP which books 30 and are any of the chrome stuff ref?? If not maybe if u hit something in ur boxes u can make up for it lol jlmk
I don't believe anything is refractors. I jumped on that offer for the geno quicker then you wanted huh? Lol. We can hold off. I already opened a box of contenders today. But I doubt I pulled anything you'd want. Hold onto that pink stedman and the geno ultimate collection. I'm bound to hit some more stuff and well bust out a trade on all of it. It's just a little hard for me to trade that ap chrome rookie. Haha.
Well def want the chrome AP which books 30 and are any of the chrome stuff ref?? If not maybe if u hit something in ur boxes u can make up for it lol jlmk
Actually since I said I'd trade it I will. The geno for the ap. I was thinking it was 40 that's why. Didn't realize it was 30 lol. But I will if ya want. Jlmk
Hehe. So what did u hit in Contenders??

I hit 6 autos instead of the regular 5. I hit a teo on card auto, Vance McDonald rookie ink, zac Stacy redemption, Michael ford an jaron brown playoff ticket /99. Not a great box but not too bad. The 6th auto helped it a little. I guess I was a little confused about what you wanted for the geno. I thought I was giving you all the other rookies except the ap topps chrome. I'll have to hold off on that. I don't want to give it up for that lol. Like I said. I'm picky when it comes to that card. I'm bound to hit some other stuff and we can make a deal somewhere on the geno.
Would u really give a 50 card for a bunch of 2 dollar cards?? lol
Well If I still have it by then we will see. Nice extra hit on ur break. Later bud