Looking for Tarvaris Jackson

I had a link to my bucket and I dont have a single Norwood that could prove tough for me to drum up about 10 to get your lot, thanks for the reply though :)
i like the LT/LJ dual patch. have a t jackson on my site. check it out and shoot me a pm. let me know what i need to add if interested. thanks
possibly the peyton gu stuff but i dont want to trade autos for plain gu. only for other autos or nice patches. shoot me a pm if we can do anything
the Peyton G/U is #d/99 and from pardigm 350+ a pack, not your ordianry jersey card. I understand about the autos to jersey thing but LMK what you want to do.
i like your topps chrome chad jackson auto, maurice stovall spx auto/jersey, calhoun auto jersey i have these for them , if you want to trade