Looking for San Francisco Giants Autos/GU

Got this one, lmk if you are interested.


Thanks, Al.
Al- I can indeed.

Hi, I can use the topps chrome rc auto of Kyle Drabeck ($10) the Burrell bv is $8.00. If that doesn't work for you any auto/gu of Jays or Titans in that range would work. I also collect Mantles, currently trying to finish the home run history set (regular issue), lmk if you have anything of him.

Thanks, Al.
Hi, I can use the young/gage/williams. Would you be interested in this?


If so I would do the Young prestigious pros for it, lmk, thanks.

I have it but can use another. So the triple and the young pros for the willis and the burrell? LMK and I'll post it up, thanks