Looking for Michael Jordan

raym said:
just getting out of the cards make an offer

yah i would hate to insult u is there a range u r interested in getting i usually look for great deals i buy off the bay so it would have to be really good just let me know i saw there was about 200$ worth of jays there so let me know i also have some 20 cent pieces but they are not siver but its about 12$ dollars worth if interested and a silver quarter but thats it let me know
I have these items:

10 card set




am interetsed in the 8X10 upper deck card and maybe the other stuff what u looking for
dragon voice to text software pear 2 pear software

card and invitation software msu software consultants uml in software engineering software-intensive systems inc

yah i would hate to insult u is there a range u r interested in getting i usually look for great deals i buy off the bay so it would have to be really good just let me know i saw there was about 200$ worth of jays there so let me know i also have some 20 cent pieces but they are not siver but its about 12$ dollars worth if interested and a silver quarter but thats it let me know

Thanks I will pass