Looking for Hee Seop Choi.

I found the 2 Choi's and strange coincidence on the pair. Both are #'d to 25 but on 2 separate teams.

04 Honors Players Collection dual jersey w/ pinstripe #'d 19/50 (his jersey # on Cubs)

04 Leaf Certified Mirror Gold GU bat #'d 4/25 Marlins.

LMK if interested.
ljmaya said:
I found the 2 Choi's and strange coincidence on the pair. Both are #'d to 25 but on 2 separate teams.

04 Honors Players Collection dual jersey w/ pinstripe #'d 19/50 (his jersey # on Cubs)

04 Leaf Certified Mirror Gold GU bat #'d 4/25 Marlins.

LMK if interested.

Looks good Lon, you say they are both #to 25 but list the Honors one as #/50? I have an Ichiro GU around here that you have on your list, just have to find which box it is in:rolleyes: I would hate to confrim a trade and then not be able to find the card--I'll get looking!
whoops forgot to make the irony be on two different teams not #'d to 25. Yeah if you can find the Ichiro I will trade the pair for the Ichiro.
