May 19, 2007 #31 Braveskid1025 Bench Warmer kendery morales patch: it has a 1 and there are 3 or 4 colors on it than there is a B and there is 3 or 4 colors
kendery morales patch: it has a 1 and there are 3 or 4 colors on it than there is a B and there is 3 or 4 colors
May 19, 2007 #33 ljmaya Bench Warmer braves4life I have a nice 03LCM FOTG jersey/101 of Andruw Jones if interested if that can be used towards the Morales. LMK Lon
braves4life I have a nice 03LCM FOTG jersey/101 of Andruw Jones if interested if that can be used towards the Morales. LMK Lon
May 20, 2007 #35 ljmaya Bench Warmer bravesfan give me your email and I will send you the scan later today. Lon