Looking for 20.00+ BV GU and Autos


Bench Warmer
I will take any players in college uni or pro uni as long as they bv for 20.00+. All brands and everything are fine as well..

I dont have any gu up for trade right now so i would mostly be looking to buy unless you will trade them for non gu/autos in return. Please let me know what you have and bvs.

When buying 20+ bv gu/autos i usually use these percentages of bv so it will help you to let me know which you will sell at them prices. 20-29 bv (15-20% based on player which is anywhere from 3-6.00) 30-39 bv (25-30% which is 7.50-10) anything over 40.00 bv i will pay 12-20.00 for. Please let me know what you will let go at these prices. thanks