lets play a game


Transactions: 1
pretty easy...

no edits

I figure this should be here by the end of the month, so a week...


the game...WHEN I get a promo hopefully a BIN/BO in June, but who knows with the crap they are pulling there at ebay...what percentage of my 'investment' do I get back during the promo period?

must go with WHOLE NUMBERS, and don't be afraid to use numbers over 100, as my last flip, the leinart lots, I ended up getting 110% back in the first cycle...

winner will get a random Olympic lot out of this...seems to be over 100 boxes of hits...golds are 3 per box...and the inserts, those are 6 per box...

personally, im going to guess 88%

put your single guess in this tread, no editing, no one can guess the same number as another person...im mostly blind on the lot, the relics aren't good, I just hope its gold that will help me make a couple more sets
guess who got free listings today?...hopefully it gets here before my free listings expire, though i wont be making a ton of new listings, ill just be lowering prices due to supply
also, this IS NOT price is right rules, you can go over, but in the event of a tie, it will go to the one who UNDER guessed...
you have until Friday 9pm to get your guess in, as I have to work Friday, so I should be home shortly after 8pm, and going though the box, as I hope my mail lady leaves it on the doorstep, if she gets here after me..
9 days in 15.25% recovered...going slower than I expected, but no action on the Gold set at all...
got another $12+ in sales today, should take It up over 20% finally...slower than expected
ernie wins, got to about 23% which is pretty weak, didn't move any of the big sets...oh well...uncle ernie, what do you like?