Johnny Football Enters Rehab


NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
Sad. Headlines all across football-nation are declaring: "Manziel Enters Treatment To Improve Himself."

Really? To "improve himself"? He has a drinking problem. The sports media makes it sound like he is going back to school.

I really don't think this surprises many people. The kid has had a problem with alcohol during his college career and into the pros.

Where's the uproar about this? Tebow did NOTHING wrong and yet the media and fan-base were all over the guy. Manziel has had a problem with partying all season long and all the media can do is say "Good for you Johnny. You stepped up and are taking care of the problem."

Hoyer is a free agent and will more-than-likely walk away from Cleveland, Manziel has major issues, and the Shaw isn't ready for the big time yet. Looks like Cleveland will watch the playoffs next year from their la-z-boy chairs again unless they pick up a REAL quarterback.

Hopefully we will get his act together. They are being pretty quiet as to who actually made this decision. Perhaps Johnny realized he had a problem and is actually committed to turning his life around. If that is the case, then perhaps he will have a great career and all that talent won't go to waste.

More likely, this is either more talk with no action (which seems to be his thing) or he was dragged kicking and screaming to rehab by someone. In which case, the downward spiral will continue.

I expect this kid will be the next Todd Marinovich...but only time will tell.
My impression has been that Manziel isn't an alcoholic, so much as he's irresponsible and immature.

As for Tebow, he did a LOT wrong (in terms of public space). He was open and in your face about his being a good Christian, possibly to a level that some would see as dogmatic. He was a mediocre QB who excelled in a college game, replete with mediocre LBs and slow responding D-lines. When he go to the NFL level, his flaws showed up more and his lackluster performance drew the ire of fans. Instead of fading into the background noise (like many failed QBs), Tebow was vocal.

He wasn't putting his vices on display for the media, but he did show his ineptitude with respect to football by insisting that he should be a starting QB.

Fans will say things like "That's good Johnny is working on himself, and we wish him the best" simply because there's nothing else to really be said. It's a polite way of being dismissive.