Jermaine Oneal to the Raptors


Bench Warmer
It is being reported out of Indianapolis that Jermaine Oneal may be getting traded to the Toronto Raptors for TJ Ford and Rasho Nestorivic. Do you guys think this is a good trade? I think it isn't that great of trade. I think they would be best to try to trade him for a 1st round draft pick or package him with someone for a better player.
trade makes perfect sense-pacers are looking for a point guard (assuming tj ford is healthy), and the raptors are looking for a decent big man to go with bosh (assuming JO stays healthy). Raptors liked what Calderon did for them last year and he is well deserving of a starting job. I like the trade.
I think O'neal getting out of INDY is a GREAT idea for him no matter WHERE he goes...he needs a new start he is MUCH too talented to get stuck there...
Looks like talks on this one have broken down. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't restart when Oneal isn't traded soon. I think the Pacers are going to have a Fire Sale and try to get rid of everyone in order to bring in some fresh new talent without issues.
Would make no sense.

Bosh and Bargnani aren't a bad combo, adding JO just creates a log jam. Maybe they should try to use Ford as a chip to get a nice SF not another big man.
Raptors don't need another big man thats why I said the trade didn't make sense :)
TJ Ford isn't going to give the Pacers much in return for an all star so they would be losing out on the trade so it doesn't make sense on the Pacers side either :)
raptors can now go big use JO at center, bosh at pf, and bargnani at sf. i think it would work as long as everyone stays healthy. then you got calderon and parker in the back court with moon coming off for bargnani or bosh as the 6th man.
Agreed, I could see Bosh and him hurting the weak east inside game after game. I defintely see a playoff team, probably a top 4 team in the East (after Detriot, Miami, Celtics).

maiami were you getting them from
Admin said:
Agreed, I could see Bosh and him hurting the weak east inside game after game. I defintely see a playoff team, probably a top 4 team in the East (after Detriot, Miami, Celtics).
Well, if they have a healthy team they will be ahead of them for sure. Shaq, Wade, and probably one of the best rookies. Sounds like a sure fire top three to me.

they dont have oneal any more
Admin said:
Well, if they have a healthy team they will be ahead of them for sure. Shaq, Wade, and probably one of the best rookies. Sounds like a sure fire top three to me.