jaderock and CARDCRAZEE2


Bench Warmer
jaderock recieves:

2000 Upper Deck Ovation Auto #100/100

CARDCRAZEE2 recieves:

2000 Upper Deck Ovation Auto #/100 and 2 Mark Brunell jerseys cards
CARDCRAZEE2 sends 1st
Please use our new trade manager located on the left of the screen under navigation.

Thank you,
-Assistant Head Coach
I concur...

Your card will be in mail Monday...

jaderock said:
jaderock recieves:

2000 Upper Deck Ovation Auto #100/100

CARDCRAZEE2 recieves:

2000 Upper Deck Ovation Auto #/100 and 2 Mark Brunell jerseys cards
CARDCRAZEE2 sends 1st