The Pat's cheated got caught and people have the right to have an opinion, I think the whole reason why the evidence was done away with was because it would be darn near impossible to explain to the 3 teams the Pat's beat in the SB that they were basically cheated. Once a cheater alway's a cheater. I am sure Bilichick is still cheating in one way or another because that's the kinda low life he is.....Karma will bite them in the A** and if that by someone taking Brady out then so be it, He surly has a hit out on him and i am sure in the remaining games someone will collect....I am not wishing it but to tell you the truth i would not be saddened by it either....The whole Patriot's organization has really made the NFL look bad, My buddy was a die hard Pat's fan and 11 weeks into the season refuses to watch another game because of what his Pat's did. Those Pat's fans that think what they did was ok are the same kind of people who would condone cheating in a Pee Wee game...I am a Colt's fan and respected the hell outta the Pat's until the s pygate scandle, Now i wish nothing but bad things for this team, They are a disgrace and i can't wait until they are knocked off in the Playoff's...(which i believe will happen) Even with the Ref's help someone will beat them out...I could care less if my Colt's got beat out in the first round as i can sleep at nite knowing that the team i root for has integrity, Something someone should explain to the whole Patriot's organization.