I'm looking for '10 Upper Deck Celebrity Predictors inserts


Bench Warmer
I'm looking Complete the 2010 Upper Deck Celebrity Predictors insert set.
I already have:

I NEEDcp5/cp6

Theya looka alika this

Please let me know what you have. THANKS!
I have these:
CP 7/8
CP 9/10
CP 15/16
CP 19/20

Looking for 2010 Bowman Platinum gold refractors and Guys in my sig that I need. LMK
NYYankees1 said:
I have these:
CP 7/8
CP 9/10
CP 15/16
CP 19/20

Looking for 2010 Bowman Platinum gold refractors and Guys in my sig that I need. LMK
I don't need 7/8
See anything in my Bucket for 9/10, 15/16 and 19/20?
NYYankees1 said:
Do you have any Ryan Howard Game used or inserts that I need? Posey?
Other than the Howards in my Bucket, I have these
2010 UD Supreme Blue
'10 Topps Attax
'10 Topps Turkey red
2008 UdX Silver Diecut
No Poseys Sorry.
Pfinder- In your bucket under the sP section you have 2 Mattingly cards and a Mauer I can use. I can also use that Ryan Howard dual Game used if that's for trade and the Ryan Howard from UD Supreme Blue I can use as well. LMK
NYYankees1 said:
Where does that put us BV wise? LMk
The Mattingly Masterpiece sp $6
Goudey Mattingly $8
Mauer $3
Howard supreme blue $5 (I can only find info on the Supreme Green)
Just add the Howard Turkey and Attax card if they even things out and we'll finish this thing up. Thanks and if your good with that please post it up for us. Thanks