Hunter Pence 'Supercollector' - MY PC, HD vid and links


Noob Poster, Star Breaker
I just wanted to share one of my PC's, NOT my biggest or favorite but I'm always open to trading for some rookie Hunter Pence Cards, any and all. Thanks for letting me share! ENJOY!!! And I'll try to share some of my other PC stuff soon if people enjoy the collection.

*Highlight of the PC - 23 1/1 autographed rookies (so far) I KNOW THERE ARE MORE OUT THERE, LET'S TRADE!!!!
Also always looking for Griffey Jr.!

YouTube - ‪HUNTER PENCE PC - Vol. 1 of my Personal Collection‬‏ - HD VID ON YOUTUBE LINK (not fully updated like the vid as of today but also useful I'm sure)