Basketball How'd I do? - Steal?

Oh YEAH!! You robbed the seller :D

Rudy Gay is a popular rookie from 06'07 with a few fans and you picked up his ultimate RC auto plus Kidd and Bosh.
When USA wins the gold medal, those guys will have a little pike in selling prices :)

Bibby... who cares about him lol

Bargnani RC auto is always decent.

Well done man!
okay... Just thinking u might be needing this cards... coz u are a blazers fan..


mj_pure_playa said:
okay... Just thinking u might be needing this cards... coz u are a blazers fan..



yes, I do neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed those!

When I post the thread make sure you post in it, as I am sure I will forget!
personally i think you paid too much, but if you want sell it to me at that price, i'll GLADLY take them off your hands :)

megabyterex said:
personally i think you paid too much, but if you want sell it to me at that price, i'll GLADLY take them off your hands :)
hahahahaahah same goes for me but i admit it was a super steal:D