

Bench Warmer
Hey if any of you know me its probably from youtube. but i am also very active in tradecardsnow. i am a huge fan of the seahawks and will trade for almost any gued/auto/rookie i need. i also colllect the pirates,penguins, and paul posluszny. you can either check me out at youtube.com/steinie1837 or check out my bucket.... steinie1837 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Welcome to the site Adam, glad to have you aboard. Join us in the chat room msot any evening for trades and fun. Thursdays and Sundays are trade nites there so come on in and enjoy the fun.
Hiya Adam! Welcome to the site. :) Glad to have you on board!! If you have any questions, or need help with anything please don't hesitate to give me, or one of the other staff members a shout. ;)
