Have $40 cash and looking for a high end auto

Any interest in any of these

Lendale White 06 Contenders SP Auto BV-$60
Laurence Maroney 06 Topps Auto BV-$60

Id sell the White for $29 DLVd
Maroney for $28 DLVD
Is this $150 high end enough.

buitien said:
I have $40 cash and I am looking for a high end auto.
bazookajojo- no thanks
DallasBaker81- I will think about it
mvpsportscards- how much do you want for the dwyane wade rc auto
Firth-of-Fifth- no thanks
I have a torry holt rc auto BV $25 i'll sell for $10 i also have a Chris simms rcauto BV $80 i'll sell for $15 - $20 or i'll sell a lot of autos which includes:

2 simms rc autos w/ a total BV of $110
Torry holt rc auto w/ a BV of $25

I'll sell for $30 Dlvd