Hockey Group Box Break


Hello Freaks and Puckheads!

i am interested in doing a box break, what product would you guys like to break?

just feeling around to gauge interest


Thanks, Bryan
Would 05-06 SPGU be too expensive for you guys for a future break? I have a line on some of this way cheaper the Dave and Adams from a long time friend in Cali. Wouldn't be a box break per se, but more of a pack sale thing. There are only 6 packs per box, so we wouldn't need many guys, unless we get a couple boxes. This is Ovechkin, and Crosby's rookie year product don't forget. I think I can get it for about $25 a pack delivered, but will have to confirm that. These are $159 a box plus shipping on D+A's website, and then shipping again to you guys. LMK, and I'll check into it!!!
we'll have to stick wth MVP or OPC or something

I have 4 artifacts and 2 black diamond incoming and it would be around 25 delivered per team for all that. Of course we wouldn't have to do it all.

one box of artifacts would be about 7 dollars per team dlvd while the black diamond would be around 5 dollars per team

and the blackhawks and canadiens would probably haave to be auctioned

and there wont be many cards per team only about 40 cards per box of artifacts and the black diamond about 120 cards per box so that's a little better.

let me know what you guys think