Hockey Group Box Break 2006/07 Fleer Flair Showcase Hockey Hobby Box (2 Boxes)

Josh The Cop Knocks On Pimpmyridebro's Door.

You Prank Callin My 911 Service?

No I'm not.

Now I'm a liar, We traced the call to your Phone. Who else is here?


Joe Who?

Joe Momma

and at that very moment....

Josh The Cop takes out pimpmyridebro with a roundhouse kick to the face, and arrests him.

:D :D :D :D :D
Sorry guys, I was feeling bad yesterday. Moved into a new office and the dust from all teh construction through me for a loop. I went home and laid down for a nap and woke up later the next day lol. I will do it tonight.