GRAND OPENING of Bhelser1981 Online Hobby Store

okay will get back to you on this.i do know i can get cases of l.c.m. elsewhere for 505.may want to go for 8 boxes of g.g. if possible..will l.y.k. when ready to order and thank you for your time
jaydouble said:
okay will get back to you on this.i do know i can get cases of l.c.m. elsewhere for 505.may want to go for 8 boxes of g.g. if possible..will l.y.k. when ready to order and thank you for your time

no problem, just let me kno
you said you will price match right?ill let you know what i want and obviously ill pay in advance for w.e. i decide id like thanks a mill
jaydouble said:
you said you will price match right?ill let you know what i want and obviously ill pay in advance for w.e. i decide id like thanks a mill

I will always try to beat the "big guys", but don't guarantee it.

I am not concerned with average sellers on Ebay as there is no guarantee they are legit sellers. I am selling here to ensure our members have a safe alternative to the major online sellers (dacardworld, bl0wout, etc.)
mate how much would it cost for a box of 08-09 SPA basketball , delivered to NZ ? if you can ship to NZ that is.
LMK if you can find a box of Hobby 2002 Absolute football.. the ones that come with a plaque per box..and what the total price dlvd would be the area code here is 93306 thanks
Hockey cards for Seahawks said:
LMK if you can find a box of Hobby 2002 Absolute football.. the ones that come with a plaque per box..and what the total price dlvd would be the area code here is 93306 thanks

will keep checking with my distributors, but currently none of them have any
ok thanks for that , and how bout a 08-09 Ultimate Collection basketball dlvd ?
it comes out in 2-3 days ???