Football Goodell Suspends Pacman


Roger Goodell suspended Pacman Jones indefinitely today for violating the NFL Personal Conduct Policy for the altercation last week with his body guard. He'll miss the next 4 games for sure and Goodell will re-evaluate the situation then. He has been afforded too many opportunities as it is. I hope he gets a permanent vacation....
this has been a good situation for pac man. he blew it. i am glad to see someone like Mr Goodell finally stand up for the league & the fans. This needs to happen in all sports. These guys need the NFL ( NBA etc ) not the other way around. The fact that you run fast, jump high and so on does not mean the rules and law doesn't apply to you. Maybe after this happens a few times with players from various sports they will get the picture. My only hope is that it will have some ripple effect into the rest of the world .
just the fact that he was drink & or in a bar was a violation of what goodell laid out for him. jerry jones told him " go to work, go home, nothing else " . what may or may not have happened in the fight i don't know but anything involving him in a bar, nightclub or drinking was a deal breaker with the comish.
witnesses said he attacked his bodyguard while he was doing his business standing at a urinal in the hotel bathroom. The fight was totally unprovoked.
Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

Pacman is getting arrested.

What else is new?

Ladies and gents, I just made that up! :)