Free Group Break Team - June '13

Surprise! It's time to pick a winner! After putting everyone through the random for 5 rounds, the winner is WestCoastSkinsFan! Remember, the winner only has 24 hours to claim their prize before it goes to the next person in line. Here is the full result listing:

There were 6 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. WestCoastSkinsFan
  2. NickM
  3. otis
  4. GamerRoy
  5. kenny kerr
  6. Jmattt33
Timestamp: 2013-06-01 13:39:53 UTC
You have randomized this list 5 times.
After randoming the remaining teams 5 times, WestCoastSkinsFan will end up with the Baltimore Ravens. Not the best of the remaining teams left, but hopefully we can pull something out for you anyways. Good luck, Sam!
After randoming the remaining teams 5 times, WestCoastSkinsFan will end up with the Baltimore Ravens. Not the best of the remaining teams left, but hopefully we can pull something out for you anyways. Good luck, Sam!

Well they are close enough to The Skins (geographically at least):cool:
Congrats Sam!