Free Contest for Card...


Transactions: 1
ok, because im an idiot and like opening packs and not spending money, i bought 2 more cases of that 1997 Score Board Rookies stuff...

so heres the deal...

it should have 24 'vintage' RCs, 1 AU, and 4 War Room Inserts...

i will be opening 1 case over the next 2 weeks (depending on how bored i am, not sure how quickly ill open it)

ill post the decent 'hits' as usual...

and you are playing for the Mike Singletary AU i pulled from the last case as long as we get 12 or more people playing...

you will name 15 'hit' cards, you can select from Varsity Club (1 per box), Vintage (2 per box), War Room (1:100 packs), and Auto (case hit)

for Auto you will get 6 points
War Room you will get 3 points
Varsity Club you will get 2 points
Vintage you will get 1 point

you can look at my case results in the mailday thread to see what i got last time around...use beckett for the checklists for War Room and Varsity Club or look at this completed auction for a list of possible Vintage and AU players

you can list the same card more than once, as im guessing there will be duplication in the vintage like last time...

Most Points total will get Mike Singletary Pro Line AU, in the event of a tie, it will be the person with the most correct cards out of the 15 selected..

thread will get locked Thursday around 3pm, as the cases should arrive between 2 and 5...if we have enough contestants ill keep it open, if we dont have enough people ill just delete the thread :snooty:
a fun contest that no one wanted to play apparently :ban:

i opened 3 boxes....sent Zeeck a PM about the AU since its an Illini guy in his Illini jersey...and before you get all excited, my sister went to college with the guy, and who that great has come out of U of I since 93?
:secret: she also had a class with Simeon Rice :salut:

garbage auto that will end of at Zeecks most likely