‼️ Free Breaks Changing Beginning in February


Staff member
5.00 star(s)
Just wanted to let everybody know that we have decided to make a small change to the monthly free group box break contests.

Starting in February, the monthly free group box break will be offered to members who have completed at least one TRADE on the site for that particular month.

We have been using transactions as the criteria for the last year or so and will still be using transactions for the January free break. But have decided that we will be moving to trades being the criteria for the free breaks starting in February.

Just wanted to make everybody aware of this change before it happens.

Hopefully this will help us continue to stimulate and focus on the trading aspect of the site.

Happy Trading everyone!
Just wanted to let everybody know that we have decided to make a small change to the monthly free group box break contests.

Starting in February, the monthly free group box break will be offered to members who have completed at least one TRADE on the site for that particular month.

We have been using transactions as the criteria for the last year or so and will still be using transactions for the January free break. But have decided that we will be moving to trades being the criteria for the free breaks starting in February.

Just wanted to make everybody aware of this change before it happens.

Hopefully this will help us continue to stimulate and focus on the trading aspect of the site.

Happy Trading everyone!
I heard there was going to be an announcement about some changes that
are happening to breaks. Is this the change or is there going to be another

Just wanted to let everybody know that we have decided to make a small change to the monthly free group box break contests.

Starting in February, the monthly free group box break will be offered to members who have completed at least one TRADE on the site for that particular month.

We have been using transactions as the criteria for the last year or so and will still be using transactions for the January free break. But have decided that we will be moving to trades being the criteria for the free breaks starting in February.

Just wanted to make everybody aware of this change before it happens.

Hopefully this will help us continue to stimulate and focus on the trading aspect of the site.

Happy Trading everyone!
Sales do not count?
Sales do not count?
Hey Eli,

We’re looking to get toward more trading in the New Year and counting sales makes it so our breakers and folks who sell or buy into breaks all the time get the best spots every month.

The site can not support two free breaks every month the way we used to do and trading was one of the topics that got the most hits on the poll we ran and is really what helps to build the community here, so wanted to reward the folks who come and put the work in posting their lists and helping out other members with their collections going forward.

On another note, we’re working on ways to stimulate more trading and are open to suggestions if anyone has any ideas…more to come on this.
I don't know if it's something wrong I'm doing (knowing me it probably is), but when I put up a WTTF post, I NEVER see it when I click on "new posts."

Makes me wonder if some other members aren't seeing it for some reason.

Not sure if it's set up so your own posts don't show up, something I need to adjust, or something not right.

Oh yeah, you won’t see your own posts but should get notified when someone responds to one. You can go to forums, find threads, then your threads to see a full list of anything you’ve posted though too so you’re able to update and bump them.
