FREE Break Complete! December Transaction Contest FREE Group Box Break!

Okay let’s keep things moving @PAVI39 Tim feel free to make your pick next time you are on.

@franklinguy52 Troy you are up next to pick your team for the 2021 Panini Mosaic FREE group box break or a prize from the additional prizes list.

Okay let’s keep things moving @franklinguy52 Troy feel free to make your pick next time you are on.

@dragonslayer913 David you are up next to pick your team for the 2021 Panini Mosaic FREE group box break or a prize from the additional prizes list.

Hi Mike
Just in case you get to me and I'm still asleep, and these are still available in this order.

1 Padres
2 Orioles
3 Mariners
4 Dodgers
5 Twins

After that I'll have to let you know.
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Okay let’s keep things moving @dragonslayer913 David feel free to make your pick next time you are on.

@dad3309@ Steve you are up next to pick your team for the 2021 Panini Mosaic FREE group box break or a prize from the additional prizes list.

@Therion Billy you are up next to pick your team for the 2021 Panini Mosaic FREE group box break or a prize from the additional prizes list.

Okay let’s keep things moving @Therion Billy feel free to make your pick next time you are on.

@OldNewRips Lance you are up next to pick your team for the 2021 Panini Mosaic FREE group box break or a prize from the additional prizes list.

@smitha1 Al you are up next to pick your team for the 2021 Panini Mosaic FREE group box break or a prize from the additional prizes list.
