Finals MVP - your predictions?!


Bench Warmer
Hey fellas

Who do you reckon will be the finals MVP?

Kobe as he has been the highest scorer in the first two games.
Maybe not as Lakers lost both :cool:

Garnett? He already has a regular season MVP and is my pick ;) :)


Leon Powe? lol
There are a few Lakers fans who say the ref should be MVP lol

Pierce seems to be the popular pick at the moment :)

I got a question.... probably a dumb question :D

Is the finals MVP based on the finals alone or the entire playoffs?
Just wondering cos Pierce had a bad series against the Cavs on paper because he was doing a defence assignment on Lebron.
Bryant, When the Lakers win. If not then it would have to be pierce. They are clearly the only 2 in the running in my opinion.
Yea, I would agree. Still I think they are the only two in the running. Allen to be honest doesn't have a big enough name on his team. He is the third option on the team and unless he explodes in the remaining games doesn't have a shot. Garnett would be the only other guy with a shot. However I think that most people see Pierce as the figure head of the team and thus he would be the shoe in from the Celtics team. On the Lakers side I don't see any of the other players being able to outshine Kobe in the finals.