Favorite Teams


TP9 | VC15
5.00 star(s)
Some of you probably noticed the "favorite teams" section in the profile editor and were probably wondering what the point of that was. Well, today we've completed the favorite teams display. You will now notice that your favorite teams will be displayed under each of your posts with an icon. We have finished all the images for everyone who is currently a member and will continue work on the rest as soon as possible.

On the college logos, it will be almost impossible for us to go through and add every college team so we will be doing those by request only. If your favorite college team (NCAA DI Only) is not listed in the selector, just post it in here and we'll get it added.

This feature is only viewable by registered, logged in, members.
Also, everyone who had previously selected the Florida Marlins as their favorite team had their profile changed to Miami Marlins and their image was updated as well.
Is it just my cpu.. or is my OSU logo not there?

And I love the look of the logos.. they look crisp! :cool:
All the images have been created and added. If you find any errors, please let a team member know and we'll get it fixed.

Again, college teams are only added as requested. If your favorite NCAA DI team isn't listed, please let us know in this thread and we'll get it added as soon as possible (usually within 48 hours).
Hey Mike, anyway you can add Florida International University (FIU) to the college teams? I know I know, embarrassing, but still worth an ask lol.