exquisite for sale... cheap.....


Bench Warmer
i'm looking to sell these to help me move...it seems i miscalculated my funds......i'm looking for paypal only...

i'm looking to get $300 for the whole lot.. thats only $42.86 per card if you do the math...
i would also sell them singly ......but some might not be at the 42.86 price....

**please note the smoltz is a signature patch card...it is not in hand yet.. should be here within a week or 2(so i guess you can say it is a pre-sale)**







nice stuff bud. I may be interested but not at 300. The griffey is the highest selling at around 50. the rest don't even sell for 42 individually.
panthers4ever said:
nice stuff bud. I may be interested but not at 300. The griffey is the highest selling at around 50. the rest don't even sell for 42 individually.

so your trying to tell me that the papelbon / saito dual wouldnt sell for 42?? come on..

ok then let me ask you what price do you think is fair???
papelbon - 42 and 46
griffey - 16.49 and 31.01
zito - 16.50
zimmerman - 31,38,35
ramirez - 24.50 , 15.01
cabrera - none ended , one listed at 49.99 minimum bid did not get bid and one on now at 38 on at 24
smoltz- none out there. price will depend on patch

edit.... if you take the avg sales of each except the smoltz it comes to 155 so even saying 45 for the smoltz which is reasonable brings you to 200 if bought all seperate. Now you have to give some sort of discount for buying as a lot and you see why I said 300 was high. They are your cards so you are welcome to ask what you would like I was just offering my opinion.