Football Excited Just got a good deal on 10 boxs


Bench Warmer
so I planned on buying a case of cards next week. but blowout doing there black friday deals so i was pretty stoked that I was able to pick up 10 boxs of Eppix 2010 hobby boxs for $490!!! My local card shop sells them for $85 so i got a great deal this is the first box of cards I have ever bought online I like to support my lcs but oh well.
lol I am excited so I had to tell someone. my friends think I retarded but screw them
Not bad, I've been checkin BO'S deals throughout the day. They currently have a 10-Box Case of 2008 SPX for $720....tempting!
lol I wish they would of announced everything that they were going to sell that way could of bought what I wanted the most but still happy to get the epix i like that product
I missed some of the stuff I wanted early, unfortunately, but did pick up a box of 09 Philadelphia. I know it's not that great of a product, but still nice and cheap of a break and chance to get a buy back or a pretty nice auto.
I wish i had the money for 20 or i would of. I really wanted the contenders 2007 hobby box for $30 but they sold are retardly fast
i can wait to bust all my box going to fell like forever til they get here