Eh,what to do?

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Bench Warmer
anferneepenny said I won this deal. He won't get back to me on it. I have other people interested in the cards. What do I do? Here is the Thread::

$50 Paypal Gift for Best Lot Football::WINNER HUNTER082006


My offer $50.00 Paypal Gift
Ending time: 48 Hours, Friday Oct 29th 12pm Eastern
Minimum # of offers: 3
Minimum Value At least $50
Maximum #of cards As many as I can get
Just a thought,

I would give him a warning to either follow through on his trade or face a MSF for backing out of a trade. Wait for however long you wish to (I say the weekend is plenty of time, but I'll leave that to you)

He was on since the 24 hour trade was done, so he has no excuses.:p
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