Quite right Dwight (didn't plan on all that rhyming but it is there) a card stamped as "1/10" is not necessarily the "first" card of that batch of 10 cards to have been manufactured, it very well could have been the last and they were all stamped in reverse order. The only TRUE 1/1s are the cards that they only produced ONE of. Not the cards they make five copies of and not the ones they make 100 copies of.Some folks do, but it still isn't a 1/1 anymore than the other 9 (in the /10 example) IMHO. And the "first card made" I don't buy into at all, as the process involves more than one step and it is numbered in a separate step, so one has no idea if it was printed first as they may number off the other side of the stack (and could get mixed up during cutting step, foil step(s) etc..) and/or we really have no idea if the number 1-10 or 10-1 with their machine. JSY number I can see as some folks do collect those, but personally it is worth the same as the other cards of the same numbering. Same as calling a Patch a 1/1 as they all could be slightly different in orientation technically, unless they all one color one and then they pretty much the same as others same color. But I'm just a grumpy old buggerlol so listings like I stated in my last post annoy the heck outta me.
I like collecting the cards that are marked/stamped "1/x" or the last one 50/50 and even my favorite player's jersey number. I'd gladly take any #9s of any Sonny Jurgensen card. But I don't think those specific numbers should cost any more than their boring numbered counterparts. Sure a series of #/5 should be a little more than #/10 or #/100 but not too much more. The first of the series, the last of the series, or the player's jersey number or birthday in numbers should NOT increase the cost of a card.