Do you go to local sports card shows?


TP9 | VC15
5.00 star(s)
I frequently go to local coin shows, but have not been to a sports card show. I'm not sure even where/when they're held and if they're held in my area. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice? Are there regular shows in your area?
We set up at five or six local shows each year (two different sponsors). A few years ago we had, on average, 1 show per month. Now, these "local" shows are all within a 10 mile radius of the house. There are other shows that are within a 75 mile radius, but I stopped going to them and setting up when the hobby started to decline.
I dont bother with them at all, we have a couple that come to the Mall here each year and everything is at least double the price of feeBay. Id much rather save the gas and time and just buy one on there for 25-30% of BV instead of paying 50-75% of BV at the shows.
I don't normally go to shows. I do visit coin shows (and gun shows for that matter)...but I have never had much interest in local card shows. I have gone to 1 or 2 over the years and was always disappointed with what was available and the prices. I stick to online when it comes to cards for the most part.
For gun shows I have to go back home to Vermont, guns aren't that popular here in the Commiewealth of Massholechusetts.
For gun shows I have to go back home to Vermont, guns aren't that popular here in the Commiewealth of Massholechusetts.
It's amazing how different states are. Here in Oregon, guns are extremely common and popular...go south a little to California and the laws are very different. We had a big gun show last weekend...but I missed it. I had a bunch of stuff going on (my parents were in town).

But, two years back I purchased a German P08 Luger pistol at a gun show here in town.
Yep, exactly. It's really remarkable that if you made a list of what states are "Socialist" you'd find a lot of people putting Vermont at the top of the list, ie Bernnie Sanders, and all that. But, you look at the gun laws and you won't find any state that is more Second Amendment friendly than Vermont. A few are as good, some come close, but it's virtually impossible to beat the gun laws (or I should say lack of gun laws) that are in place in Vermont.
Yep, exactly. It's really remarkable that if you made a list of what states are "Socialist" you'd find a lot of people putting Vermont at the top of the list, ie Bernnie Sanders, and all that. But, you look at the gun laws and you won't find any state that is more Second Amendment friendly than Vermont. A few are as good, some come close, but it's virtually impossible to beat the gun laws (or I should say lack of gun laws) that are in place in Vermont.
I didn't realize that. Very interesting. I will admit, I'm not overly familiar with the New England states as I haven't spent much time there.

Oregon is pretty gun friendly. Not perfect, but not bad. Oregon is an interesting state...very liberal in some areas and very conservative in others. The vast majority of the state is very rural so those areas are quite conservative. If you were to colorize the state (blue/red)'d see a red state with 3 blue areas along the I5 highway. One for Portland, one for Eugene, and one for Medford. But, the majority of the state's population lives in those Oregon tends to vote more liberal. That said, due to there being so many rural areas (and lacking much true "inner-city areas") has stayed quite gun friendly.
Unfortunately there aren't any local shows or card shops here where I live. When I was a kid in the hobby many moons ago there was a show every month at the county fairgrounds but that was a different time.