Derek Jeter/ Cal Ripken Dual Elements Auto/15 FT


Bench Warmer
Just wanting to see if I can get some of my wants for this. I like alot of players and will look at buckets. I would really prefer a one for one trade because that's what I gave for it but, that depends on who and what it is. $400 Trade Value.

serputzalot-- I can offer you 2 deals
1) Howard, Pujols, Cabrera, TTT 32/36 $300 + Longoria Topps Red Hot Rookie $100
2) Wright, Howard, Pujols, TTT 21/36 $300 + Longo Topps RHR $100

Smukm--You know me. Always pondering my

Willage-- I am looking at yours now. I will lyk as soon as I hear from serputzalot.
well i thank you for the reply but I have more invested into the cards than what they book. If I trade them I have to go by sell value. Book value we are even but in sell value you would be comming out ahead. I just paid 75 for the longo a week or so ago on ebay. Again thanks for the look but thats too much for me to trade.

Reikojo said:
serputzalot-- I can offer you 2 deals
1) Howard, Pujols, Cabrera, TTT 32/36 $300 + Longoria Topps Red Hot Rookie $100
2) Wright, Howard, Pujols, TTT 21/36 $300 + Longo Topps RHR $100

Smukm--You know me. Always pondering my

Willage-- I am looking at yours now. I will lyk as soon as I hear from serputzalot.
Sorry guys I could have sworn I answered these last couple.

billygungho---PM recieved and replied to as you know.
BGT Masters of Tiki D-- I did'nt see anything I could use right now.
i am pretty sure the jeter/ripken is gone. so i don't think he checks this thread anymore. pm probably works best for questions on any other card.