Current Status of Baseball Card Collecting


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I don't know about you guys, but I really do not like any of the products that are out or have been out for the entire 2024 season. I have kind of gravitated toward mid-premium cards (Bowman's Best, Finest, etc). I goto my hobby shop and I don't like anything in boxes they are selling. I goto walmart/target/etc and I don't like what they are selling. I can not tell you how many times recently I've been at a shop and they had boxes and I chose to walk out without buying anything.

My current inventory is 108 cards from 2024. (compared to 2023 which is 1,606 excluding my bowman's best, finest and allen ginter parallels)

I just don't like what they are selling. I have kind of limited myself to just topps becuase I don't like having unlicensed cards. Seems like topps hasn't released any chromium type cards and we are almost 1/2 through the season (other than Platinum Anniversay, but I don't buy that becuase my son says they are boring and they are stupid becuase they are released a year behind)

Anyone else not liking what is being sold or am I in a boat all by myself?