cracking another case...2012 Olympic


Transactions: 1
ok, im 8 of 12 in, i will say, not nearly as colorful as the 2014 Olympics...more auto/relic's per box (3.5 to 3.05ish) and so far ive only hit 1 PC, and only 1 that will pay for the box, but might pay for a couple...

4 more to crack, then some scanning, only 2 of 8 jersey/relic types are multicolor and they are only 2 color each...

there are only Bronze 1:1, Silver 1:2, and Gold 1:3 parallels (Golds are 1:8 in 2014 and there is a "Rainbow" that is 1:24)

still waiting for a BIG auto...just a couple OK ones thus far...

Garbage Relics


Event Pins 1:92


Flags 1:131
Team Patch 1:131


Team Pin 1:92


not so great Autos


decent Relics


Stamp 1:327 (essentially the case hit)


#'d relics...the decent people go for crazy money, and as you can read...not so much, Bronze /75, Silver /50


decent Autos, Long had a big segment during the Winter Games because she was born in Russia and adopted to the US and is a top paralympic swimmer with 1 leg. Rhode is the American that I believe has been to the most games, auto is inscribed with 96, 00, 04, 08, 12, for each of the years she has been an olympian, but shes a shooter, so not much hobby love. Coughlin is PC, most decorated American female olympian.


Champions Autos, the only On-Card autos in the set 1:128


#'d Autos, again, the good ones sell for crazy money, and as you can see...The Merritt is 01/30, so it has that going for it i guess. Bronze /50, Silver /30

since you guys dont know, the money for Summer Games cards are the Men's Swimmers, and Women's Soccer and Gymnastics

i guess i did hit Morgan and Solo soccer relics and Raisman gymnastics, but all were 1 color, no not so great...

not sure how my stamp sells compared to others, the only one on eBay sold for $24.99 BIN, so i guess there is some hope there in trying to get my money back right? but $25 is a drop in a $600 bucket ya know?

oh yeah, about the 'pays for the box' card


well this is one i guess...not sure if i want to sell or hold, as i dont have a Morgan in the Ladies Line and this is a super sweet card, so I dont know which way to go, like i said, there is a long way to recoup, and if i held to the next Womens World Cup or Olympics it would probably be at the price height, so what shall i do...


and then i guess there is this guy...stupid pothead...

he's back into competitive swimming, but hasnt been the indestructible Phelps we remember from the 2008 games, so i guess i shall list it, just start it high and cross my fingers, but it should bring in over $100, which is nice i suppose...

so yeah, not the greatest...was hoping for a Couglin i didnt have, or a Shawn Johnson i didnt have, since those are 2 of my girls, but it took how long to get Ashley Wagner and Gracie Gold in my Winter Games boxes/cases?


oh, almost know how i was saying that the Gold's are selling for crazy money? that is the card i was talking about in the initial post...'commons' have pulled down $40+, so a basketball multicolor should do ok...a Phelps Gold sold for $170


oh, forgot to mention, 01/25...

fingers crossed on this one, going to start it at $99.99, and based on how some of the golds have sold, i dont think its crazy

and that is it folks...just rest of the stuff is just parallels and such, all the 'hits' have been scanned...wish i would have hit better PIN cards, but i did pretty good with the Autos
Cejudo is in the UFC now. Might be one to track as his first fight will probably be in the next 6 months if not sooner.

Great stuff!! I think you got some really nice "names", just not sure value.
Cejudo was on the card 2 or 3 weeks ago where the headliner missed weight...he dropped out the morning of weigh-in...

the top selling relic in the set is Lolo Jones which for whatever reason has been pulling down $45-$90 for the base...the Morgan is the best of the base relics and the lowest BIN on eBay is $31, so I had to come in under that...

Alex Morgan and Michael Phelps really help in the ability to flip, as they are two of the top sellers in terms of autos in the set, Phelps is the top, then id say Ryan Lochte, putting Morgan at third best selling...Soni and Coughlin are in the $20 range...its my 2nd Coughlin base (have 2 Bronze), and I, for now, have it and the Alex Morgan Autos tucked away, but listed the Soni...I like her, but already have one, and I don't see her being huge in Rio to where it would be something to hold...the Morgan could hit eBay at some point...

overall the base relics were pretty good as about half of the set is made of duds and I only got 3 base duds, but 3 of the 4 #'d relics were duds...if I can get crazy money on the Moore gold though, ill be happy
Yeah, Cejudo is a bit of a head case but I wouldn't write him off yet.
slow go on sales...6 cards, 3 hits, 3 parallels after 3 cycles...I figured there would be a bit more interest in these...the good news is one of the sales was for $99.99...the not good news is a Phelps Auto /50 went for under $100, and an Alex Morgan BGS 9.5 Auto went for under $100 in the past week...