I've kept quiet about Robert long enough. This ********** owes 30 INDIVIDUAL team lots to 18 different collectors. He has been making false promises and ignoring PMs & e-mails for over 2 and a half months now. We (The Beckett Team Collector Group) spent the time and money to ship the agreed upon Eagles lots to his *** in Canada and he might as well of stolen them from us. When asked by a CP/BMB member (who shall remain nameless unless he wants me to name drop) just wrote back to me after Robert PMed him back:
It seems to me he really just doesn't care, I ask him if he's going to send and his reaction is, "What are they going to do ban me? And if they do I can just go to Collector Planet".
I really don't understand what his problem is, especially after he spent probably 300 dollars on ebay this month. Even if he didn't have cards for all the teams, he could have used 20 of those dollars to buy a lot, and than another 20 to send and the problem would be over. But instead he just keeps on buying
$300 on ebay while his original main excuse for not sending back in February was that he was broke. Effing little POS. This is absolutely unacceptable at any level of the hobby. I know how most of us feel about the mag site, so I truly hope that CP will not allow this little douche bag to roam freely just because he has not screwed anybody here………………….yet. I believe everyone deserves a second chance but Robert has been given over a dozen opportunities to right his wrongs…