First off! Hiya Amanda! Welcome to the site! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the cards you have listed are from an era where they over-produced them tremendously, so as a whole, the aren't worth all that much! I have boxes, upon boxes in the closet of that stuff, too. Best bet is to find a dealer who may be willing to buy the whole lot from you. You can purchase a magazine at your local magazine store called Beckett Hockey. This is a general pricing hockey card guide, and will have the cards you have listed to give you an idea on value. However, even that will not give you an accurate estimate on what someone would actually give you for them. Sorry for the bad news, but hope this helps a bit!
Thank you so much. I realize that they aren't worth much. My brother in law passed away, and my sister gave them to me to try and get rid of. Anything I can get for them will go into a trust fund for my 2 young nephews who lost their father.